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Trina Solar Responds to the European Commission's Initiation of an Anti-dumping Investigation Concerning Certain Solar Energy Products Originating in China

published: 2012-09-07 14:54

The European Commission has announced the initiation of an anti-dumping investigation concerning imports into the European Union (EU) of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells and wafers), originating in China. Trina Solar is one of the China-based suppliers of these products to the EU.

Trina Solar believes the allegations made by Germany's Solarworld AG and other, thus far anonymous, petitioners of the so-called EU ProSun group will eventually prove to be unfounded, and that Trina Solar's transactions with its EU customers were and are made in accordance with international fair trade practices. These allegations threaten the ability of EU consumers to receive the benefits of clean and innovative solar energy products at a fairly-traded, market-competitive price. Trina plans to contest the allegations vigorously.

"Trina Solar products are neither dumped nor subsidized. They are produced, and sold competitively on the European market. We believe the trade investigation will reveal that Trina Solar competes fairly with its competitors in the European Union," said Chairman and CEO, Jifan Gao.

"We are cooperating with the European Commission to ensure it receives all required information to arrive at a balanced and fair conclusion. Additionally, we welcome Chancellor Merkel's constructive approach to a dialogue and are ready to participate in any dialogue which may be initiated," said Ben Hill, President of Trina Solar Europe.

Trina Solar remains dedicated to bringing the sustainable benefits of clean and innovative solar energy products and services to residential, commercial and utility scale customers worldwide.

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