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June 9th ~ June 11th, 2010:「Intersolar Europe 2010」(Germany)

published: 2010-05-17 14:58

IntersolarEurope 2010will be held in New Munich Trade Fair Center, from June 9th to June 11th, 2010

Exhibition Name

IntersolarEurope 2010

Exhibition Hall Place

New Munich Trade Fair Center

Exhibition Date

June 9-11,2010

Event Cycle

Once in a year


Solar Promotion GmbH,
Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH & Co. KG (FWTM)

Exhibition Introduction

Since the first time Intersolar opened its doors in 1991, the trade fair has enjoyed growing prominence across the world. As the international platform for solar technology, it reflects the dynamic development along the entire value added chain in the areas of photovoltaics and solar thermal technology - and therefore encompasses far more than any other event.

Intersolarbrings people and markets together under the guiding principle, "Connecting Solar Business". And as trade visitors from over 145 countries have confirmed: no other event brings together so many decision makers from industry, trade and commerce with solar industry manufacturers, suppliers, institutes and associations. The world's leading solar trade fair therefore facilitates the targeted, personal exchange of valuable information relating to products, markets and services.

IntersolarEurope is expected, once again, to post record figures. Compared with 2009, the number of exhibitors will rise from 1,414 to more than 1,700 and the exhibition area from 104,000 sqm to 130,000 sqm. The number of visitors is expected to rise to above 60,000.

Exhibition Review

With a total of 1,414 exhibitors from 40 countries, more companies than ever before were represented at Intersolar 2009.

Exhibit Scope

- Solar cells, wafers
- Modules
- Inverters
- Mounting systems
- Tracking systems
- Manufacturing machinery and equipment
- Cables, connectors, junction boxes
- Stand alone systems
- Charger, batteries
- Consumer products

Solar thermal technology
- Absorbers, coatings
- Collectors
- Pool absorbers
- Storage tanks
- Mounting sytems
- Fittings, expansion tanks, de-aerators, etc.
- Heat transfer fluid
- Manufacturing machinery and equipment
- Tracking systems and power plants
- Air conditioning, cooling
- Measurement and control technology
- Solar glass
- Installation aids
- Financing, promotion
- Research and development
- Test institutes
- Education, training
- Solar architecture
- Trade publications, publishers
- System technologies (wholesale and retail)
- Organisations, associations


Admittance, stand allocation, industry-specific questions, visitor marketing, conference and supporting programme (conferences, innovation exchange, Intersolar AWARD, job & career forum)
Solar Promotion GmbH
Tel.: +49 (0) 7231 / 5 85 98-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7231 / 5 85 98-28
Email: info@intersolar.de

Organisationalschedules, invoicing, room rentals
Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH & Co. KG, Messe Freiburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 761 / 70 37-700
Fax: +49 (0) 761 / 70 98 85
Email: intersolar@fwtm.freiburg.de
Stand approval, technical services, technical floor plans
Technical Team 2 of the Trade Fair Centre Munich
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 / 949 211 35
Fax: +49 (0) 89 / 949 211 39
Email: team2@messe-muenchen.de

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