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BYD Launches IQS10 - Less than 1 Fault in 2 Years on Average

published: 2012-07-11 14:53

BYD released the quality survey IQS10, signifying that the quality of BYD autos has reached or exceeded the level of mainstream joint venture brands. Quality reaches or exceeds the level of mainstream joint venture brands

Initial Quality Survey (IQS) is the acronym for the internal product quality assessment system and associated quality management system of BYD. It consists of the IQS new auto quality survey, supported by WDI, PDI and VDS, with the aim of reducing product faults and increasing product quality. After over 2 years of work, the IQS quality control system of BYD has reached the IQS10 standard, that is: from 1st April this year, autos produced at the factory have a quality level of “less than 1 fault in 2 years on average”. It is understood that mainstream joint venture autos on the domestic market usually reach the IQS10 standard, and many indigenous brands exceed IQS20.

BYD says they will continue to improve product quality – “In future, all new autos will come under IQS10”. Being OEM for world-leading brands helps improve product quality BYD has been OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for many world-leading brands, such as Nokia, Apple, Samsung, Motorola, Toshiba, etc with international quality management methods and tools, and is one of the enterprises which first adopt the Six Sigma management system. In the auto field, through continually upgrading technology and cooperating with world-leading suppliers, like Bosch, PPG and BorgWarner, it has created high-quality products. By adopting the IQS standardized quality management system and strict checks at each stage of production, and incorporating quality consciousness into business management, it has brought real quality improvements. First-class suppliers provide details assurance

It is understood that currently, the windscreen wiper blades on BYD autos have already adopted Bosch boneless wiper blades as standard. Bosch have also become the suppliers of the brake systems, furtherimproving the overall safety of the automobile. In terms of processes, BYD has invested close to 100 million RMB to install 24 painting robots to ensure a full and attractive coat of paint. It acquired the Japanese die factory of Ogihara at Tatebayashi. The factory has been operating for over 40 years and has die technology of an international standard.

To increase the overall quality of the auto, BYD has also significantly upgraded four wheel alignment equipment, automobile clearance and rustproofing, for example by introducing wax injection and leveraging cavity wax injection technology, thus extending the duration of rustproofing of the car body. In terms of car body design, BYD has also paid more attention to safety. Taking the S6 as an example, the application of a large quantity of high-strength and ultra high-strength steel sheets significantly improved the safety of the S6 car body.

In 2011, BYD raised millions developing a second crash-test laboratory in Shenzhen in accordance with European and US crash-testing standards. It is planned to go into operation in the latter half of this year. Substantial increase in sales depends on improvement in quality. BYD continues to work on quality by leveraging the inherent technological strength and quality of products, to give consumers outstanding quality of products and service.

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