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JA Solar Applauses “One Belt and One Road” with a 100MW Pakistani Solar Project

published: 2015-04-29 16:52

The Chinese government initiates the “One Belt and One Road” policy to promote construction of international trade and infrastructure projects along the “Belt” and the “Road.” The policy aims to bring growth opportunities and economic benefits throughout Asia, Europe and other neighboring countries. To echo with it, JA Solar, a Chinese solar PV vendor, launched the completion and commercial operation of the first 100MW solar farm in Pakistan on April 4th.

Currently, construction of several large-scale PV energy projects in Pakistan is under way. The 100MW solar farm was built by the Chinese company TBEA, utilizing JA Solar’s PV modules. The solar power plant is expected to provide over 500,000kWh of clean energy to the nearby province of Punjab annually and is believed to help relief the power deficit problem.

JA Solar supplied its modules under the supervision of PV Lab Germany GmbH, an authoritative third-party accredited laboratory which sets strict standards for raw material selection, manufacturing processes and quality inspection.

Mr. Jian Xie, President of JA Solar, commented, "We are proud to have completed the 100MW shipment of modules to the first major solar farm in Pakistan. Being the module supplier for a flagship project of such significance to the One Belt and One Road Initiative is a testament to the high global recognition of JA products, and a newly achieved milestone in our global market expansion efforts.”

JA Solar is planning to prompt the One Belt and One Road Initiative by utilizing its PV modules and adding significant value to its customers.

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