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Yingli to Develop a 50MW Solar Power Plant in China

published: 2015-07-22 11:24

Yingli announced on July 21st that its wholly owned subsidiary, Yingli Energy (China) Company Limited ("Yingli China") was selected to develop and construct a 50 megawatt (MW) solar power plant in Datong City, Shanxi Province, China.

The power plant will be one of the key demonstration projects at the National Advanced PV Technology Demonstration Center, which is sited on reclaimed mining land in Datong City. Recently approved by the National Energy Administration as part of its "Top Runner" program, the new demonstration center plans to become China's foremost national hub for PV technology research and development.

Datong City's local government has tasked the demonstration center with installing 1,000 MW of solar PV across seven 100 MW projects, five 50 MW projects, and several additional, smaller PV facilities during the next 12 months. Over 35 companies applied for the rights to develop and construct the 100 MW projects, and over 20 companies applied for the rights to develop and construct the 50 MW projects. Yingli was selected to develop and construct one of the 50 MW projects.

"We are pleased to be selected for this high-profile demonstration power plant. With our strong track record of success in solar PV power plant development and construction, Yingli will make an ideal partner for the new PV demonstration center," commented Mr. Gang Wang, Vice President of Project Development of Yingli. "This represents a major opportunity for us to leverage our advantages in project development and financing and to promote our growing presence in China's downstream solar market."

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