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JinkoSolar Donates Solar Panels to US NPO

published: 2016-02-02 18:32

JinkoSolar donated 212 high efficiency PV modules, totaling 57kW, to Everybody Solar, a U.S. NPO targeting at providing solar to local charities. The panels will be distributed to three non-profits in the U.S. for installing solar systems.

"JinkoSolar is proud to support Everybody Solar with its philanthropic projects, and we are delighted to learn that our panels will be used to power three noteworthy causes," said Nigel Cockroft, General Manager of JinkoSolar (U.S.) Inc. "We applaud our friends at Everybody Solar as they continue to service our communities, while simultaneously contributing to a more sustainable future."

The Committee on the Shelterless (COTS) in Petaluma, California, and the Sciencenter in Ithaca, New York, are two of the three non-profits to use JinkoSolar’s solar panels. The third organization remains unannounced.

COTS provides beds of emergency shelter for both transitional and permanent housing for local families, children and adults in need. Everybody Solar will install a 27kW solar array for COTS to help the organization save over US$7,000 electricity fees per year.

The Sciencenter is visited by more than 100,000 visitors per year. The facility is now in process of creating a new exhibit that will empower its guests to engage in sustainable practice in their daily lives. JinkoSolar’s PV modules will take part in the exhibition as well as the empowerment. 

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