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JinkoSolar Supplies 7MW of PV Modules to Turkey

published: 2016-04-20 17:52

JinkoSolar has been selected by DST Enerji Elektrik Uretim A.S (DST Enerji), an EPC service provider, to supply 7MW of JKM260PP poly-si PV modules to Turkey.

DST Enerji was established by Mr. Ali Can Takunyaci in April 2014 after his 19-year experience in working at power producer companies. The Ortakonak-1 solar power plant is the company’s first EPC project, and DST Enerji selected JinkoSolar as the module supplier.

“We have added our engineering during construction of this plant to minimize shadowing losses, cabling losses, transformer losses, and mismatch losses. String planning and seasonal tilt angle adjustment steel structure were also applied.” Mr. Takunyaci explained, “The Energy yield results of the first month shows that Ortakonak-1 solar power plant will become one of the most efficient solar power plants in Turkey.”

The contract has been signed with the investor GNCR Holding, in March 2015. Following design, project approval and land development periods, DST Enerji started site work in September 2015. The project is located in the Konya province at the central Anatolian region in Turley.

After an intensive site works period, the temporary acceptance with TEDAS (Turkish Electricity Distribution Company Inc.) was signed in early March 2016, and the plant got into commercial operation.

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