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Adani Sets to Start Construction on PV Facility in 2016

published: 2016-09-01 16:29

Adani Enterprises, an Indian group, has announced to build a 2GW solar manufacturing facility in Gujarat. The construction will be commenced in two phases, while the first phase is planned to be started in 2016 for completion scheduled in the second quarter of 2017.

The first phase factory, with a production capacity of 1,200MW, is expected to be completed in March 2017, so Adani Enterprises is anticipating to commence construction in 2016. The second phase of construction is expected to be commenced due in April 2017 and is scheduled to be completed in June. The total cost of the project is evaluated to be Rs 2,000 crore (approximately US$429 million).

Samir Vora, Adani’s chief executive, said that the company is targeting at becoming India’s largest vertically integrated solar PV company, and “create an end-to-end solar power play from manufacturing to generation,” told Vora at a press conference held in Mumbai.

The 2GW facility will produce polysilicon, ingots, wafers, cells, PV backsheets and panels, forming a vertically integrated production site. Adani has already established a special purpose vehicle, Mundra Solar PV, to handle the investment and commissioning of this facility.

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PV Magazine cited an analysis report published by Bridge to India and stating that 75% of solar panels used in India were from China or Chinese companies, adding approximately 3.6GW of new capacity in the past year.

Eight of the top ten module suppliers in India are now Chinese companies, against just four out of ten one year ago. U.S.-based First Solar and India’s local company Waaree are the only two companies that were able to be one of the top ten in terms of market share in India.

To protect local PV industry, the Indian government has come up with certain incentive measures as well as been encouraging overseas companies to establish joint ventures in partner with local firms so that the market share of domestic products could be increased.

Amidst the solar market’s growth, India starts prompting energy storage systems. Government-owned Solar Energy Corporation of India has issued a request for selection for 200MW of solar+storage capacity in the state of Karnataka, said PV Magazine.

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published: 2024-07-24 17:29  |  tags: