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PV Guangzhou 2014 assists to tackle US punitive duties

published: 2014-06-19 11:03

Early this month, US Department of Commerce announced its plan to charge more punitive duties on Chinese PV products. In accordance with the statement, 35.21% preliminary tariff is imposed on solar panels from Suntech and other five companies, 18.56% and 26.89% respectively on those from Trina Solar and other Chinese PV companies. 

The main reason of the move to restrict Chinese PV products is that our competitive products are having negative impact on the development of local PV companies in US. In recent years, export volume to European and US markets has dropped significantly, and North America market only accounts for 15% of China’s total export volume. Moreover, Europe, Japan and emerging markets might follow the trend, which will cause great influence we cannot estimate. 

Since last year, domestic companies have been experiencing hard times in transformation. On the one hand, they actively explore emerging markets like India, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa. On the other hand, various measures are taken to boost domestic demand. Driven by China’s 8GW distributed PV project and new policies this year, domestic demand is showing a growing trend. 

However, capital investment is still insufficient in consequence of long pay back period, incomplete policies, backward power grid construction and other factors. To kick off on August 26, PV Guangzhou 2014 will act as a great platform for emerging market exploitation and capital connection. Meanwhile, China Int’l Photovoltaic Industry Development and Investment Forum 2014 will be staged as well, building an effective communication bridge. 

Though suffering restrictions from Europe and US, China’s PV industry is still marching towards international markets. PV Guangzhou 2014 will once again help boosting rapid growth in this field. 

For more information please click: //www.pvguangzhou.com 

Or contact: 
Ms. Eve Cheng 
Tel: +86 20 29188156 
E-mail: grand.ev@grahw.com; evepvgz@yeah.net

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