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BIG SUN Teams up with LONGi to Develop iPV Trackers with Bifacial Modules

published: 2018-03-13 15:29

In line with its constant quest for ever higher efficiency and lower cost, Taiwan's BIG SUN will couple its dual-axis iPV trackers with LONGi's high-performance bifacial PV module, Hi-MO2. The technology, which is expected to make it easier for light to be absorbed from the back side, will make the PV power output of the system higher. With the new feature, BIG SUN’s product is certain to gain a lot of attention in 2018.

Thanks to the strategy of providing a complete racking system, BIG SUN has established a firm foothold on the Japanese market. During PV System EXPO 2018, Fritz Chen, CEO of BIG SUN, noted that the company will make steady inroads into the Japanese market this year, by seeking cooperation with local investors for new projects, on top of completing licensed projects in hand.

According to Chen, the recent snowy weathers in Japan has yet to impact any of the iPV trackers that were installed in the country.

Aware of the higher efficiency of bifacial PV modules, which can take advantage of the reflective light on a snow-covered land, BIG SUN has modified its racking structure to reduce the shielding of light on the back side in 2017 and will partner with LONGi for use of its bifacial PV module Hi-MO2 for the synergy effect (1+1 > 2) starting this year.

"Coupled with bifacial PV modules, in the snow, iPV tracker can boost power output on the back side by 15-20% on average, even as high as 50%, as there is sufficient space for reflection of light underneath its racking structure 3.6 meters high," noted Chen. With price gap between conventional and bifacial PV modules having dropped to single-digit level, the coupling of iPV tracker with bifacial PV module can generate substantial returns in specific environments, such as snow-covered land. The overall LCOE can also be lowered.

The move to partner with LONGi, which follows BIG SUN's cooperative investments with Sino-American Silicon Products Inc. and Gigastorage Corp., will give a strong boost to BIG SUN's business development in the years to come. With its mass application stage expected to take place in 2018, the development of bifacial modules is also anticipated to become more significant in the near future.

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