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BIPV Thin Film Market Analysis Report

published: 2012-10-31 12:05

According to EnergyTrend, the solar research division of TrendForce, rooftop solar system is likely to be widely accepted and used in the residential sector. Manufacturers will make use of thin-film’s characteristics, such as being semi-transparent and producing less electricity, to develop BIPV related products that satisfy both design needs and the goal of raising transmitting efficiency. BIPV could also integrate with solar powered greenhouse, bringing the high-tech concept into commercial farming and producing astonishing results. As South-East Asia countries began to implement solar policies, it is believed that BIPV possessed strong potential for future development in South-East Asia & South Asia, where electrical network is uncommon yet.

EnergyTrend : 2011 BIPV Installation by Market Segment

EnergyTrend : 2012 World PV Installation 

Table of Contents:

BIPV Market Analysis Report

1.Photovoltaic Policy Overview
  • PV subsidy policies in China
  • PV subsidy policies in South Asia
  • PV subsidy policies analysis in India
  • BIPV related subsidy policies analysis
2.Photovoltaic Manufacturers Capacity Plans
  • Chinese manufacturers capacity plans
  • South Asian manufacturers capacity plans
  • Indian manufacturers capacity plans
3.BIPV Market Development Overview
  • Application market overview
  • Asian manufacturers BIPV development strategies analysis
  • BIPV and traditional construction material comparison
  • Obstacles to BIPV market expansion
  • Entering BIPV market strategies analysis  

 Contact us for report details and more information on our services at:

Shanghai         Angus Hsu            +86-21-6439-9830 ext. 609    AngusHsu@TrendForce.com 
Taipei              Charles Tu            +886-2-7702-6888 ext. 925    CharlesTu@TrendForce.com

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