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China’s Premier Clean Energy Event Wins Praises from Participants

published: 2011-06-28 10:44

Clean Energy Expo China (CEEC) 2011, held at the China National Convention Center in Beijing, closed Last Friday receiving much praises from exhibitors and visitors alike for enabling business and facilitating information exchange.   

CEEC 2011 featured 320 exhibitors from 19 countries and regions including national representations from Germany (led by the German Industry & Commerce), Canada (Ontario Investment and Trade Services, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade) and the Netherlands (Holland Home of Wind Energy). Nearly 17,000 trade visitors were received over three days, including almost 1,000 conference delegates. Buyer groups spanned from power producers and developers, investors, traders, energy technology companies to research institutions.

Among the exhibitors and sponsors were industry powerhouses like SSB/Emerson, BASF, Siemens, Bachmann electronic, CSR Zhuzhou, LDK, State Grid, Longyuan Group and Guodian United Power, DHI•DCW, PPG, Delta Group, CEEG, GS-Solar, Trina Solar, Rayspower, Linuo, Sunrain, KGE, and many more.

“Through this exhibition we’ve gotten many new contacts and at the same time showcased SSB’s capabilities. SSB is committed to remain a leader in the industry and so we will not miss this opportunity to be at Clean Energy Expo China,” said Gao Yupei, Sales & Marketing Director of SSB Wind Energy.

Global chemical giant BASF showcased its high-quality solutions for wind turbines at the event, including its epoxy systems that can help blade manufacturers in Asia to produce more efficient and durable wind turbine rotor blades, as well as for the first time its engine cooling systems and gear lubricant technology from Cognis.
Ren Dongyi, Managing Director of LS Cable emphasized the importance for international exchange: “We come from Korea, where the wind power industry itself is still relatively small. In China, this industry is already fully industrialized which broadened our horizons. This is only possible through exhibiting at an influencial event like Clean Energy Expo China.”

Participants welcomed the more comprehensive product showcase this year which included new highlights, such as the solar thermal segment. “Foreign buyers consider environmental-friendliness when procuring (solar products) whereas local companies value the economical aspect. 80-90 percent of the people in China support environmental protection but only 5-10 percent are willing to spend a high price for the cause. We, the industry, need an organization like Koelnmesse to establish a platform like Clean Energy Expo China to allow more people to understand solar thermal energy,” said Ryan Chen, Overseas Marketing Manager of market leader Sunrain, a first time exhibitor and sponsor of the event.

CEEC is reportedly the only cross sector renewable energy event in China and has been receiving strong political backing since its inception. Lu Weijiang, Marketing Vice-Director of the State Grid Electric Power Reseach Insititute: “We will definitely participate at Clean Energy Expo China again and bring our latest renewable energy generation as well as grid connection technology and equipment. There is interaction and exchange between industry peers. We feel very good here and hope to network with more people.”

Joining the ranks of China Electricity Council, the National Energy Administration, the State Electricity Regulatory Commission and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission as supporters to the event were international organization Asian Development Bank (ADB), the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) the Independent Power Producers Forum (IPPF), as well as the China Automotive Technology and Reseach Center (CATARC) and the National Solar Thermal Industry Alliance.

Being hosted in China’s capital city - the epicenter of all policy making and major industry associations in China - organizers attributed the well-attended event to its unique geographical advantage to attract key government officials and trade bodies alike. “Beijing is the place to be for renewable energy in China, because this is where the government is, which in return attracts top decision makers to come to an event like this. After all, it is not the quantity, but the quality that counts!” confirmed Gerrit Klanderman, Managing Director of the newly established industry association “Holland Home of Wind Energy”, which brought 13 of its member companies to the event.

CEEC’s inaugural partnership with China’s top industry forum, China Power, garnered great response from conference delegates. Views were exchanged and industry hot button issues surrounding Wind Power, Solar Energy, Solar Heating, Smart Grid and Electric Vehicle Infrastructure were dealt with in various sub-forums.
“The topics covered by the Clean Energy Expo China conference are spot on and take into consideration the needs of participants. It is especially beneficial that many speakers themselves are renowned industry veterans. I obtained valueable knowledge and made many new contacts through this participation“, said one satisfied delegate.

“Clean Energy Expo China is a very good platform as it combines a high quality conference with an exhibition, which is great for professional visitors to meet us”, added Su Yong, Director at CEEG Solar, one of the conference sponsors this year.

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