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Astronergy Thin Film Panels to be Used at University of Arizona’s Science and Technology Park

published: 2012-02-07 10:01

The 6.1 MW solar park construction has begun on 38.5 acre parcel in Tucson Arizona at the University of Arizona Science and Technology Park (UASTP).  Astronergy, in addition to providing the panels, played a unique role in the project by predeveloping the system requirements, design and performance and coordinated the financing parties to execute the project.   The project is being developed by solar project developers Solmotion and CTC Electric  with vis solis LLC as the project management company.

The electricity generated by the new plant will be purchased by TEP, and will primarily be used to serve the metropolitan area of Tucson. TEP serves more than 400,000 customers in southern Arizona, covering the city of Tucson, and numerous towns and unincorporated areas in Pima and Santa Cruz Counties. This project is part of TEP’s plan to comply with the renewable portfolio standard for utilities operating in the state of Arizona, which requires regulated electric utilities in Arizona to generate 15% of their energy from renewable resources by 2025.

Astronergy has developed relationships with key partner financial institutions which we call on to help our customers obtain financing when needed or requested.    

This facility will serve as a key thin film reference project as Astronergy ramps up thin film sales this year in the U.S .  The site is well known as “The Solar Zone” which the university plans to collect data from different technologies and compare to each other.  This will be one of the first sites in the world to have several different technologies side by side using the same solar fraction to get a real performance comparision.

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