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Meridian Energy:Mt Munro Wind Farm Hearing Deferred

published: 2012-09-20 14:53

Meridian Energy has confirmed it has requested the councils defer the hearing for its Mt Munro wind farm while further monitoring work is completed.

A hearing for the 20-turbine wind farm south of Eketahuna had been proposed for later this year. Further bird monitoring on the transmission line route and site will be carried out. Iwi are completing their Cultural Values Assessments and Meridian wants to discuss the reports with each of the groups. There is also landscape and noise assessment work that can be progressed.

Mt Munro is located on the boundaries of the Tararua and Masterton Districts, an area well known for its strong and consistent wind resource.

Horizons, Wellington Regional Council, Tararua and Masterton District Councils have granted an extension to the timeframe in which the hearing will be held until November 2013.

“We acknowledge the relationships we have developed in the region and we thank everyone who has been involved in the project so far. We will continue to work constructively with those involved in the meantime,” said Mt Munro Project Manager Carolyn Wylie.

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