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Munich Municipal Utility to Buy Nordex Wind Farm

published: 2012-11-27 15:13

Own developed project successfully sold to new customer / plans to extend partnership

Nordex SE’s project development unit has gained an important new customer: for the first time, the Munich municipal utility Stadtwerke München has acquired a fully built wind farm from the wind power OEM. Named “Filières”, the project comprises four N90/2500 multi-megawatt turbines and is located in the Lorraine region in North Eastern France. It has a calculated annual yield of 20.7 gigawatt/hours.

French subsidiary Nordex France, which is one of the most successful project developers in the country, developed the “Filières” wind farm. In the ensuing step, Nordex completed the turnkey project for its customer. “Many of our new customers appreciate such an offer as it permits a professional allocation of the individual tasks, while ensuring a high degree of planning reliability. This is also reflected by this contract with the Munich municipal utility, which in my opinion is one of the most important companies in this segment. I hope that this ushers in the beginning of a long and successful partnership,” says Lars Bondo Krogsgaard, a member of Nordex’s Management Board.

The Munich municipal utility Stadtwerke München (SWM) is one of the pioneers in renewable energies. It plans to produce sufficient green electricity using its own facilities to cover the entire requirements of the City of Munich - namely no less than some 7.5 billion kilowatt/hours - by 2025. In this way, Munich will be the world’s first major city to achieve this goal. Says Dr. Kurt Mühlhäuser, management chairman of SWM: “The “Fillières” wind farm marks a further step in our ambitious strategy for renewable energies. At the same time, it is a pilot project with Nordex. We would be pleased to execute further joint projects with this new renowned partner.”

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