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Chinese Silicon Wafers Being Excluded from Anti-Dumping Investigation as EU Discloses Final Result

published: 2013-08-29 14:10

The European Commission disclosed the final result towards China PV anti-dumping investigation on Tuesday (August 27th). Wafers have been excluded from the investigation. In another word, Chinese silicon wafers exported to Europe from now on will not be restricted by the anti-dumping policy. However, according to an attorney from a PV company being investigated, Mr. Hung, the European Commission may revise PV price agreement because silicon wafers have been excluded from the anti-dumping investigation.

On August 6th, EU announced the PV price agreement with Chinese PV companies. The minimum module price committed by Chinese companies was €0.56/Watt and a volume quota of 7GW per year. The products being investigated included silicon wafers, cells, and modules.

It’s reported that the European Commission will make comments based on the final result and come up with a conclusion before September 6th. As for anti-subsidy, the result will also be announced recently.

According to Reuters, EU indicated that they have found evidences of Chinese PV companies being subsidized by the Chinese government. But Brussels didn’t want to break the price agreement that’s already signed.

In addition, although EU individually calculated the tax rate for each Chinese PV company, it will have to carry out the tax policies in accordance with the price agreement in the end.

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