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New Government Policies to Stimulate Turnaround for Nine Chinese PV Companies

published: 2013-12-18 17:58

The “Interim Measures on the Administration of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Projects” was officially issued on November 18th by the National Energy Administration (NEA) in order to push application of distributed PV power generation. The project hopes to encourage different types of power consumers, investment enterprises, energy performance contracting service companies, and individuals to engage in investment, construction, and operations of distributed PV power generation projects. 

The government put in place a series of government supported policies before encouraging construction and operations of distributed PV power generation projects. The Ministry of Finance subsidized distributed PV power generation projects depending on electrical quantity. The China Banking Regulatory Commission required banks to support the development of the PV industry. The State Council also issued a programmatic document in regards to development of market, industrial structure, technologies, infrastructure, and policies. 

By the end of 2013, the NEA estimates that the accumulated PV installations in China will reach 16.5GW, an increase of 10GW this year. The NEA has also recently releases the providential PV installation quotation plan for 2014 where 29 providences will have a total installation volume of 12GW each, 2/3rds of which will be distributed PV projects. The PV industry shows clear signs that the largest increase will be in distributed PV power generators. 

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