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ReneSola’s PV Testing Lab Achieves UL Certification

published: 2015-02-10 13:45

ReneSola’s PV testing laboratory in Jiangsu, China has achieved Witness Testing Data Program (WTDP) certification from Underwriters Laboratories (UL), a globally renowned and independent safety science company, announced ReneSola.

WTDP certification allows third-party facilities to conduct tests under the supervision of UL personnel. ReneSola's state-of-the-art facility in Yixing, Jiangsu Province includes solar simulators, environmental test chambers, and electroluminescent (EL) testing equipment designed to test the quality and performance of the Company's PV modules according to strict UL and International Electrotechnical Commission regulations.

"This UL certification reflects our longstanding commitment to quality and the world-class level of our technical facilities," said Dr. Bill Hou, ReneSola's product center director. "By working with experienced UL staff in our own laboratory, we will not only ensure that our award-winning PV products meet all applicable quality and performance standards, but will also help us to deliver those products to our worldwide sales and distribution centers more quickly."

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