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JinkoSolar: Solar Energy is the Answer to Climate Change

published: 2015-12-01 13:35

JinkoSolar has been invited to a critical conference on climate change in Paris scheduled to be held from November 30. The company regards solar energy as the solution to climate change and addressed this answer at the event.

The 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) will be held in the French capital from November 30 to December 11, attracting leaders and global influential entrepreneurs from over 190 countries. As a Chinese leading solar PV company, JinkoSolar aims to have their voices heard on climate change issues.

Since it was founded in 2006, JinkoSolar has played a critical role in driving down cost of solar energy through technical innovation. "The commercial value and economic competitiveness of solar energy now enables us to transition to sustainable energy," said Li Xiande, Chairman of JinkoSolar,

"I believe this summit will be more fruitful because now we have found out a solution to check global warming, that is solar energy. The bottleneck of deployment solar energy is its cost, compared to coal or oil, but thanks to contribution of Chinese solar PV players, the gap is much closer, I think Solar Energy will become new major energy rather than a major renewable energy."

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