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CENTROTHERM Sees Sale Increase in PV Segment

published: 2016-08-12 18:02

CENTROTHERM Photovoltaics AG announced financial results for the first half of 2016. Sales in its core segment Photovoltaics & Semiconductors increased, and the growth also contributed to the consolidated revenue.

Sales in CENTROTHERM’s Photovoltaics & Semiconductor segment increased from EUR 38.4 million to EUR 42.0 million in 1H16, while total operating revenue rose by 27% to EUR 55.9 million. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) were at EUR 1.1 million, again in positive territory.

Operating earnings in 1H16 in the segment were from cost reduction and efficiency program launched in 2014, together with the excellent order book. CENTROTHERM’s new orders totaling EUR 85.4 million were received from the PV and semiconductor industry, compared with EUR 29.5 million in 1H15.

Significant growth in Photovoltaics & Semiconductor segment helped maintain consolidated sales at a relative stable level in 1H16 although CENTROTHERM’s Thin Film & Customized Equipment segments met decline. Consolidated sales in 1H16 fell to EUR 61.9 million, compared to EUR 86.0 million in 1H15. Total operation revenue decreased from EUR 91.7 million to EUR 75.9 million, year-on-year. Group EBIT were at EUR -1.7 million, compared to EUR 10.6 million in the comparative period, and consolidated earnings amounted to EUR -2.1 million following EUR 6.7 million in 1H15.

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