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Croatia’s largest capacity photovoltaic project: Tongwei and KONČAR signed a module supply agreement

published: 2024-01-30 15:15

On January 22nd, Tongwei and Croatia’s KONČAR signed a photovoltaic (PV) project module supply agreement in Zagreb, Croatia.

Jointly building Croatia's largest capacity PV project

According to the supply agreement, Tongwei will provide high-efficiency bifacial modules to KONČAR for the construction of the Dugopolje power station in Dugopolje, Croatia. This project belongs to Hrvatska Elektroprivreda (HEP Group), the largest electricity company in Croatia, and is the largest capacity project planned within Croatia. The peak capacity of the project is 13.54MW, and the grid connected capacity is 10MW.

Once operational, the project is expected to generate an annual electricity output of 17.2 million kilowatt-hours, which is sufficient to meet the yearly electricity needs of approximately 6,000 local households. This impressive performance is attributed to the project's exclusive use of Tongwei's TWMND-72HD bifacial modules, which are characterized by their high-power output, low cost of electricity generation, high reliability, and ultra-low degradation.

The construction period of the project is 18 months, and the total value of the construction contract is EUR 11 million. This signifies that Dugopolje, Croatia, will soon be a home of a state-of-the-art solar power plant. The completion of the PV plant will not only provide clean energy locally but also contribute to green energy transition in Croatia and Europe.

Tongwei and KONČAR once again partner up to support global energy transition

Regarding this cooperation, Denis Čamber, KONČAR’s Business Development Manager, stated: “We are extremely pleased to once again cooperate with Tongwei. The implementation of Tongwei's high-efficiency bifacial modules will make the Dugopolje plant a significant milestone in Croatia’s green energy transition.” Tongwei’s N-type modules, featuring TNC technology, offer more than 20W increased power output compared to traditional PERC products and a bifaciality approximately 10% higher than PERC. These modules provide Croatia with a highly cost-effective clean energy solution, delivering dual economic and environmental benefits.

During the signing event, Jason Ji, the Eastern Europe Sales Director of Tongwei Solar’s PV Business Division, also expressed that the renewed collaboration with KONČAR represents Tongwei’s global effort to seek quality partners. Leveraging its strong product capabilities, extensive market experience, and global sales network, Tongwei has built a positive reputation in the industry, aiming to create added value together with its partners.

In the future, Tongwei will remain dedicated to advancing green energy, striving to enhance the world through its efforts. Alongside its global partners, Tongwei aims to contribute to the triple benefits of economy, environment, and society through technological innovation, market expansion, and industrial chain optimization.

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