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Energy China and the Indonesian Ministry of Marine and Investment Coordination discuss cooperation

published: 2024-03-22 15:45

On March 21, Song Hailiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Energy China, met with Indonesian Minister of Marine and Investment Coordination Luhut in Jakarta. The two parties will work together to promote the in-depth integration of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative and the "2045 Golden Indonesia" vision, deepen cooperation in energy transformation, cross-border power transmission channels, hydrogen ammonia alcohol integration, comprehensive marine development and other fields to help China and Indonesia comprehensive strategic partnership relations to a new level, and reached broad consensus.

Song Hailiang said that China Energy Construction is willing to focus on the advantageous location of Indonesia, a major maritime country, and provide services in areas such as energy structure transformation, cross-border power transmission channels, comprehensive marine development, transformation and upgrading of traditional infrastructure, green industrial parks, and the integrated application of hydroaminoalcohol. Systematic, package, and integrated solutions will be implemented to implement major projects such as the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridor" and "Twin Parks for Two Countries" to help China and Indonesia jointly build a community with a shared future.

Luhut said that currently, Indonesia is focusing on green and low-carbon development and taking multiple measures to promote the realization of the "2045 Golden Indonesia" vision and the "2060 Carbon Neutrality" goal, providing broad space and huge opportunities for cooperation between the two parties. China Energy Engineering Corporation is welcome to continue to deepen its presence in Indonesia, increase investment and construction in the fields of industrial development, island resource utilization, marine resource development, and environmental protection industry creation , participate more extensively and deeply in Indonesia's low-carbon economic construction, and work together to help build the destiny of a major developing country. A model of community, unity, cooperation, and common development.

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