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EIA:Photovoltaic power generation will account for more than 60% of new power generation in the United States in 2024, and will surpass hydropower for the first time in 2025

published: 2024-05-11 17:40

A report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) stated that total U.S. power generation is expected to grow by 3% in 2024, with photovoltaic power generation accounting for more than 60% of new power generation.

In 2023, solar power, wind power and hydropower accounted for approximately 21% of U.S. electricity generation, which is expected to increase to 24% in 2025. The U.S. Energy Information Administration says renewable energy will provide most of the growth, with solar being the main driver of this energy transition. EIA said that by 2024, solar power generation will increase by 41% compared with 2023. The EIA said that 19GW of new solar installed capacity will be added in 2023 and is expected to exceed 37GW this year. U.S. electricity generation is expected to increase by 114 billion kWh in 2024 (a 3% increase), and by 2025, total solar power generation is expected to grow another 25%, surpassing hydropower generation for the first time.

However, solar, and other renewable energy sources still have a long way to go if the United States is to achieve its goals of a decarbonized economy. The EIA says about 6% of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) is spent on energy. Currently, the total amount of carbon emissions in the U.S. energy industry is close to 5 billion tons. EIA predicts that by 2025, there will be no substantial reduction in U.S. carbon emissions.


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