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Australia approves giant solar power project to supply electricity to Singapore

published: 2024-08-22 17:35

The Australian government announced on the 21st that it has approved the construction of a solar power park in the north of the country. Once completed, it will become the "world's largest" and part of its output will be transmitted to Singapore via submarine cables.

The project was proposed by Sun Cable Australia, with a total investment of US$13.5 billion. According to the plan, the project will be built in the Northern Territory in northern Australia, which is rich in solar energy resources, covering an area of ​​about 12,000 hectares.

Australian Environment and Water Minister Tanya Joan Plibersek said the project "will become the world's largest solar park" and will produce enough energy to power 3 million homes. It will also manufacture solar panels and batteries and eventually transmit electricity to Singapore via a 4,300-kilometer submarine cable.

According to the plan, the project will be built in two phases. After completion, it is planned to generate 4 GW of electricity to supply Australia and 2 GW to Singapore.

Australia is a major exporter of coal and natural gas. After the above projects are put into operation, the country is expected to become a major exporter of renewable energy.

Sun Cable said it would focus on the next phase of planning to move the project towards a final investment decision in 2027 and for power to start flowing in the early 2030s. The company also said it was in talks with Singapore’s energy regulator to conditionally approve the cable interconnection component of the project.


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Update on the Western Solar Plan

published: 2024-09-02 16:30  |  tags: ,