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PV Energy Enters High Stable Growth in Asia-Pacific Emerging Markets

published: 2013-10-30 13:39

The Asia-Pacific region’s PV energy demands is exceeding Europe in 2013, due to emerging Chinese, Japanese and Indian markets, according to EnergyTrend, a green energy subsidiary of TrendForce. Due to high growth potential in China and Japan’s domestic market, it is estimated the Asia market demand will still be much higher than other markets. Emerging markets in Asia will maintain high stable growth, especially after a two year preperation phase.

In the Asia-Pacific region, Japan and China had the highest PV energy demand in 2013, according to EnergyTrend Research Manager Jason Huang. Demands in Japan this year soared two to three times compared to 2012, while China benefited from a series of subsidiary policies that will gradually target 6, 10, 12 GW solar power stations from 2013-2015. India and Australia have become the primary regions for stable development in the Asia-Pacific region, while emerging Asia market will require one to two years to develop. Countries including Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines all have good solar energy potential. PV energy demands emerging markets in the Asia-Pacific region will soar at an compound annual growth rate of 33.8% before 2017, and will become a major pillar for Asia-Pacific PV energy market development. 

The Chinese market has released a series of supportive policies since July including long term installation target, grid-connected regulations, Feed-in Tarrif (FiT) , subsidiary period, increase renewable energy funds that will speed up the development of China’s PV energy market. China’s PV market is developing in two directions—large solar power stations and distributed systems, said Huang. Although, the distributed PV system will become the main market application in the future, it will take some time before related policies become effective. Therefore, China will still be mostly focused on large power stations in the next two to three years. In contrast, PV subisidiary policies implemented by Japan last year contributed to a huge surge in power stations. Moreover, PV demands are soaring in the country due to increased consumer tax, speed up of power station constructions, and Japan’s application as the host country for the 2020 Summer Olympics.

In general, the PV supply chain in 2013 has been particularly hot i n Chinese and Japanese markets. However, four countries in southeast Asia including Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippines are being viewed as potentially emerging PV markets because of ample natural sunlight  and economic development demands. Four southeast Asia countries not only have implemented FiT policies, they have also established renewable energy installation targets for 2020-2030. There are still risks in emerging markets, though, including political instability, complicated application procedures, and differences in government and electric grid company attitudes. All these factors have affected investors’ confidence in investing in local markets.

The 2014 outlook for the solar energy market is continual growth . China, Japan, and U.S. market demands account for about 50% of the global market, and solar energy demands are expected to improve with the rebounding European market and rise of emerging markets. Overall, the solar energy market recovery will become increasingly obvious. 

EnergyTrend will be hosing its first “PVforum 2013 – Market Status and Future Development for Solar Power Plants in Asia”on Oct. 31, 2013. The forum will be focused on technical barriers;solar insurance and O&M; solar power station development outlook ;solar energy storage system applications; the Asia market outlook and offer thorough analysis of other popular issues in the market. Huang will also be delivering a speech on the Asia PV market and media are welcome to attend and interview him at the event. A detailed agenda can be viewed at: //seminar.energytrend.com/PVforum/2013/TW/agenda/

PVforum 2013 is sponsored by Skwentex International Corp. and Changs Ascending Enterprise Corp. (CEAC).

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