
Price Trend: Overseas Cells Plummeted as the Overall Price Drop Slows Down

published 2019 年 08 月 12 日 10:17
This week the overall market is still more inactive than actively trading. The overseas price of the upstream polysilicon is declining due to the exchange rate fluctuations, while its domestic price remains stable. The trend of the wafer price is nothing surprising. The price of the cells is also in free fall. ...  more

Price Trend: Cells Still Under Pressure, Hope for a Lift in Market Sentiment

published 2019 年 07 月 25 日 17:22
The overall market is still in the off-season and has not improved this week. Both of the domestic and overseas prices of the upstream polysilicon show adjustments and changes. The wafer market is still polarized. The price of the cells continues to drop. It is estimated that there might be changes after August. ...  more