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China will Unveil the Electric Vehicle Standards

published: 2010-08-24 15:36

The Chinese government will implement three standards to regulate electric vehicle charging stations this October and is set to develop a further five, the State Electricity Regulatory Commission said.

The Energy Bureau is in discussions with power companies and oil producers with the intention of announcing a further five charging station regulations by the end of the year.

The measures are designed to accelerate the construction of electric vehicle charging facilities and enhance industrial upgrades in preparation for electric vehicles.

The standards will specifically apply to electric vehicle charger conduction technical conditions, electric vehicle charging pile technical conditions and electric vehicle battery management system protocols.

The State Electricity Regulatory Commission’s vice chairman Shi Yubo said the new measures will help open up a new electricity market, with the national annual consumption of electricity set to hit 800 billion kWh by 2030 if 200 million electric vehicles are adopted.

The recently-held China Electric Vehicle Industry Summit determined that electric cars will bring huge business opportunities to China.

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