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SkyFuel’s Parabolic Trough a Fit for India’s Solar Mission

published: 2011-03-28 14:38

SkyFuel has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Megha Engineering and Infrastructures Limited (MEIL) regarding the use of its parabolic trough collector in concentrating solar power (CSP) projects. MEIL’s bid to build, own and operate a 50MW solar thermal power plant, through its wholly owned subsidiary MEIL Green Power Limited, in Andhra Pradesh, India was selected under Phase One of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM). The JNNSM has put India in the lead of emerging CSP markets, calling for 20 million square meters of solar concentrators by 2022.

SkyTrough’s design allows a high proportion of components to be provided by local fabricators, which allows Indian companies to expand manufacturing into the solar market. SkyFuel is working with partners in India to secure commitments for aluminum and steel fabrication.

“SkyFuel’s ReflecTech polymer film and lightweight trough will enable easy adoption into the nascent Indian solar market. Increasing the local supply content will further enhance its appeal to CSP Plant developers in India,” said MEIL’s UM Reddy. Based in Hyderabad, MEIL has earned a sound reputation for building sophisticated infrastructure on the leading edge of India’s modernization.

SkyFuel’s parabolic trough is priced 20% lower than competing products, and independent evaluation of a 1 MW plant in California shows that it operates at the same efficiency as traditional, glass mirror based systems. The SkyTrough’s ReflecTech silverized polymer reflectors have demonstrated a 25 year outdoor life in independent laboratory tests.

The agreement with MEIL comes shortly after SkyFuel’s announcement that they are working with a developer in China for delivery of another 50 MW project. “Providing low cost and high performance systems has been our goal since the start of the SkyTrough design cycle,” said SkyFuel’s Kelly Beninga. “It is gratifying to see the market respond like this.”



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