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Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Certifies BYD’s Asia Testing Center and First 250 KW Solar Inverter

published: 2012-06-12 15:18

Underwriters Laboratories (UL), a global leader in safety testing and certifications, and BYD Ltd Company signed a strategic cooperation agreement in ceremonies at BYD’s Shenzhen headquarters today. Chairman and BYD President, Chuanfu Wang and Vice President of UL and General Manager of UL’s Global Energy and Industrial System Department, Mr. Jeff Smidt, attended the signing ceremonies where UL announced that BYD’s New Energy Monitoring Center would become the first UL certified lab in Asia to offer UL testing services.

UL also announced the first certification of a 250 KW solar photovoltaic inverter in China (with both a UL and CEC certificate). The BYD 250 KW inverter is the first Chinese inverter with UL certification and the third in the world of its size to be certified by UL. UL awarded BYD’s photovoltaic inverter with "UL witness laboratory and WTDP" qualifications and awarded certificates for BYD’s 3.3 KW On-board EV charger and 5 KW home inverter – all these products are the first to be certified by UL in the Asia-Pacific region. Meanwhile, BYD’s New Energy Monitoring Center is also the first lab in Asia with a UL certificate and will provide testing and inspection services for other (non-BYD) customers in the Asia region.

UL is the world's leading authority in third-party certifications, with over 118 years of experience. UL was the also the first company to provide photovoltaic product safety testing and certification in 1986. UL has published several safety standards for charging equipment and car batteries. From of which has become the US national standard. UL began providing battery certification services for BYD in 2000. As the relationship between the companies has strengthened, both companies decided to expand the scope of cooperation to new energy fields, including solar energy and electric vehicles.

BYD and UL aim to make full use of their technological advantages to promote the safety and sustainability in the development of China's new energy-based industry. Mr. Wang said, "BYD is constantly expanding the field of new energy technology and product quality through independent innovation – this forms the core foundation of our competitiveness in the domestic markets. UL has credibility in the global markets and that’s why we choose to cooperate with them. Obtaining UL certification authority is not only a recognition of our products but of our integrity as a company.”

"UL hopes to be able to help Chinese manufacturers, including BYD, to enter the international markets and offer the most competitive solutions using internally developed technical superiority and experience in the field of new energy," Mr. Jeff Smidt said. "BYD’s vision of 'Three Green Dreams' and UL’s mission 'To build a safer world' complement each other. Both of our companies are committed to the sustainable development of the new energy industry."

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