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XsunX to Complete CIGS System Assembly

published: 2012-10-05 14:30

XsunX, Inc. today announced it is on target to complete the assembly of its CIGSolarTM TFPV cell evaporation system in October. The company has implemented a fast track completion schedule to expedite its technology demonstration and marketing efforts.

In July, XsunX had announced receiving equity financing through Ironridge Energy Co., an institutional investor financing small cap public companies in the energy sector, enabling the Company to focus on assembling and configuring a demonstration of the CIGSolarTM TFPV cell evaporation system while also establishing technology marketing operations in its new facility in Irvine, CA.

The Company uses individual thin stainless steel substrates sized to match silicon cells to be used as an alternative to silicon cells in existing or new solar module assembly lines. Another significant improvement is the use of a multi-small area thermal co-evaporation technology to better control the complex management of the CIGS layer deposition process. This feature provides a more precise deposition environment, and together these improvements help to avoid performance losses experienced when cells are either cut from rolls of CIGS material or mismatched electrically in monolithic large area deposition assemblies.

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