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Apple iWatch May Be Equipped with Solar Cell

published: 2014-02-10 18:52

Mobile device power supply has always been a tricky problem for R&D. It’s also the same for wearable devices that pay attention to “slim and light.” There are tons of rumors spreading around as Apple hasn’t officially released the latest smart watch - iWatch. The New York Times recently reported that iWatch may adopt wireless charging or solar cell technology.

Like previously mentioned, there may be solar cell built inside iPhone 6. Also, Apple has confirmed that they hired experienced solar thin-film engineers. Last year, the United States Patent and Trademark Office released a new patent applied by Apple. The name of the patent was "Power management systems for accepting adapter and solar power in electronic devices". Thus, how industry said that Apple adopts solar charging technology didn’t come out of nowhere. In addition, SunPartner and 3M are developing a solar panel called “Wysips” to provide extra power to mobile devices. It shows that these types of hi-tech products already have a basic foundation.

Recently, Apple has been developing high-performance battery and energy management system. What type of battery technology will be used for iWatch will be a major issue that concern all sectors.


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