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Suniva Powers Florida Water Treatment Plant

published: 2014-06-13 15:58

Suniva, Inc., a metro-Atlanta based manufacturer of high-efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells and modules, announced that it is powering Florida’s first-of-its-kind solar powered water treatment plant.

The city of Coleman, Florida, together with engineering firm, Mittauer and Associates; general contractor, ECO-2000 Inc.; solar installer, JSG Solar; and module manufacturer, Suniva will celebrate the commencement of its solar powered water treatment center with a public ribbon cutting ceremony on Monday, June 16th.

“The city of Coleman is very fortunate to have the talented team applied for and received renewable energy grant money for this energy saving solar power system. This system is the first of its kind in the state, making it a poster child for Florida – one of the sunniest states in our nation,” said Jerry Guthmiller, president, JSG Solar, Inc.

“We’ve seen a real uptick in the amount of solar powered water treatment and waste water treatment facilities,” said Matt Card, vice president global sales and marketing, Suniva. “We’re happy to see that municipalities of all sizes are recognizing the value of renewable energy. Forward-thinking cities like Coleman are showing all of us how to be responsible citizens – economically and environmentally.”

Suniva has completed the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) water treatment center, a 5MW PV project, and a water reclamation facility in North Carolina with a 1.9MW PV installation.

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