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SunEdison’s 82MW Solar Projects in Honduras Utilize NEXTracker’s Trackers

published: 2015-06-03 16:08

NEXTracker announced the completion of a tracker commissioning for the SunEdison 81.7 MW Pacifico and Choluteca solar power plants in Honduras. The commissioning marks Honduras’ soar in solar development as well as NEXTracker’s proved product quality of improving solar power systems’ power output.

SunEdison launched the 81.7MW solar projects last year along with an approximately US$146 million non-recourse debt financing arrangement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID). The solar projects comprise three solar plants – a 23.3MW Pacifico plant, a 23.3MW Choluteca I plant, and a 35.1MW Choluteca II plant. The three solar plants has been secured with a 20-year PPA with ENEE, a state-owned electricity generation, transmission and distribution company.

"SunEdison's experience outfitting projects with NEXTracker technology continues to yield positive results," stated Chief Operating Officer of Solar Operations for SunEdison David Springer. "NEXTracker's higher energy yield design and installation cost savings help us maximize project financial returns. NEXTracker helps us minimize site grading requirements and reduces the cost of maintenance."

Global demand for solar trackers continues to expand rapidly as the market has transitioned to higher irradiance locations where trackers deliver outstanding increases in power production.

"It's inspiring to see Honduras emerge as one of the largest solar markets in Latin America,” said Dan Shugar, CEO of NEXTracker. “We're extremely proud to be providing our transformational trackers to SunEdison, especially for the completion of these milestone projects – two of the largest solar installations in Honduras."

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