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JinkoSolar to Provide 20MW of PV Modules to Else Enerji in Turkey

published: 2015-06-10 11:24

JinkoSolar announced on June 9th that it will supply 20MW of PV solar panels to Else Enerji, a major Turkish EPC company that provides consultancy, planning, engineering, construction, operation and maintenance services for projects in Turkey.

According to the terms of the agreement, JinkoSolar will deliver 20MW of PV modules to Else Enerji by October 2015. Else Enerji majors on solar projects in Turkey and is still growing rapidly.

"This agreement marks another milestone in our expansion into the Turkish market," commented Mr. Frank Niendorf, JinkoSolar's European Sales Director. "We are proud that JinkoSolar and its high-quality modules were selected by Else Enerji, Turkey's leading clean energy company. Else Enerji has the highest quality standards in the Turkish market, which has been used as the basis for their successful market expansion. JinkoSolar and Else Enerji are committed to working together to create a bright future for solar energy in Turkey."

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