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Over 5GW of PV Projects Added for 2016 PV Subsidy Already: China

published: 2017-01-05 17:39

China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) announced to receive additional solar capacity for 2016’s feed-in tariff (FIT) subsidy scheme in late December, 2016, and there are already over 260 projects, totaling over 5GW, from eight provinces applied for it.

Chinese online media accumulated data of provinces, capacity, and numbers of projects that have applied for adding to China’s 2016 FIT PV subsidy. Until January 4, 2017, there are already eight provinces that have released their lists for additional projects, while there are still some to announce.

The data until January 4, 2017 is as following:

Ningxia plans to add 1GW

Although NEA required provinces and regions that planned to applied for adding capacity to finish solar bids by December 31, 2016, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (the Region) announced to add 1GW of solar capacity to 2016’s FIT subsidy scheme on January 3, 2017 and has been receiving applicants for regional solar bid.

The Region’s government noted that 36 solar projects, totaling 1,334.165MW, has already connected to the grid without permission to enjoy 2016’s FIT subsidy. To cope with this situation, the Region will add 1GW of solar capacity through solar tender. The bid price shall be restricted by China’s FIT rates for 2017. The bid prices for solar projects that have connected to the grid in advance to June 30, 2016, are required to be below RMB 0.9/kWh; for those that connect after June 30, 2016 are required to be below RMB 0.8/kWh.

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