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TOPCon Products Remain High Demand

published: 2023-07-31 17:43

TOPCon products remain high demand and continue to face a supply shortage. Leading TOPCon enterprises are expected to maintain their advantages as they focus on marginal changes in HJT cell technology.

Throughout this year, downstream customers have increasingly preferred TOPCon technology, leading to a surge in demand. However, the supply side’s output speed has been slow, and the increase in production capacity has not met expectations, resulting in persistent shortages of TOPCon products. Looking ahead to 2024, there is still substantial room for upgrading TOPCon technology. The industry’s key enterprises are anticipated to achieve further cost reduction and efficiency enhancement through bifacial POLY and 0BB technologies, allowing them to maintain a relative advantage over second and third-tier companies in product offerings. Additionally, in the second half of the year, there will be a tender for HJT among the industry's leading companies. Despite this opportunity, the current cost of HJT remains high, resulting in lower cost-effectiveness in mass production compared to TOPCon. Therefore, it is advisable to keep an eye on the introduction of subsequent technologies in mass production products, such as copper plating, silver-coated copper, and bifacial microcrystalline, which may address cost challenges and improve overall competitiveness.

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