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Georgia Power Leads the Nation in ENERGY STAR Campaign

published: 2011-05-06 14:55

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized Georgia Power for the fifth consecutive year as one of the nation's top five pledge leaders for driving energy efficiency awareness under EPA's "Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR" campaign.  The campaign encourages consumers to take small steps that make a big difference to save energy and help the environment.  

This year Georgia Power collected 102,429 pledges from consumers through its local offices, energy efficiency fairs and community outreach events.  

"Energy efficiency is a top priority for Georgia Power and we see tremendous value in educating and helping our customers use energy wisely, save money and protect the environment," said Georgia Power President and CEO Paul Bowers. "Our efforts to build awareness around these issues are paying-off, and we appreciate the recognition from EPA for our endeavors."

An ENERGY STAR partner since 2004, Georgia Power has exchanged over 550,000 CFLs with customers for pledges since participating in its first EPA annual pledge campaign in 2006.  According to EPA's website, www.energystar.gov, Georgia Power's 2010-2011 "Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR" campaign has resulted in a savings of over $118 million by reducing 744,225,554 kilowatt-hours (kWh) and 1,370,340,255 pounds of greenhouse gases.  

"Our customers are looking to us for ways they can lower their energy costs and energy consumption," said Angela Strickland, Georgia Power's Energy Efficiency Director.  "This campaign provides a great opportunity for us to reach our customers one-on-one and provide them with energy- and money-saving solutions."

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