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Duke Energy Adds 30MW of Solar in North Carolina

published: 2015-09-14 17:01

Duke Energy Renewables has completed four solar PV projects, totaling 30MW, in Eastern North Carolina, which are respectively located in Creswell, Everetts, Battleboro and Sunbury. With the latest additions, Duke Energy now possesses 135MW of solar portfolio in the state.

"We doubled our solar capacity in North Carolina," said Greg Wolf, president Commercial Portfolio, Duke Energy. "Providing increasingly clean power is important to our company and customers, and we are pleased to take part in the state's growing solar industry."

The energy generated from the four projects will be sold to Dominion NC Power. These facilities will produce enough energy to power about 32,000 average homes. SunEnergy1 is the developer and builder for the projects.

"We are proud to be continuing our long-term relationship with Duke Energy Renewables," said Kenny Habul, CEO SunEnergy1. "This significant amount of solar installations in small towns has provided a massive boost to the local economies and jobless rates. We applaud Duke Energy Renewables for their investment and their vision for renewable energy."

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