Price Trend

Cells and Modules Sustain Apparent Pressure as Polysilicon and Wafers Continue to Rise Marginally

published: 2022-03-17 16:09
Polysilicon Polysilicon prices had carried on with a minor inflation tendency this week, with overall mono polysilicon quotation sitting at roughly RMB 247/kg. Most polysilicon orders for March have been signed, and this week saw the signing of sporadic orders from partial polysilicon businesses, where the higher concluded prices for these sporadic orders are prolonging the inflation trend of polysilicon prices. ...  more

Cell Sectors to Sustain Continuous Pressure amidst Comprehensive Inflation in Industrial Chain

published: 2022-02-10 17:16
Polysilicon Polysilicon prices continued to rise during the first week after Chinese New Year, with the overall mono polysilicon quotations sitting at roughly RMB 240/kg. Most of the polysilicon orders for February have now been signed, which leaves an insignificant level of excess materials on the market, and the concluded prices of sporadic orders have resulted in an increase in polysilicon prices this week. ...  more

PV Industry Price Trend: Sluggish Transactions and Stabilizing Prices in Various Segments as Chinese New Year Holiday Approaches

published: 2022-01-27 14:28
Polysilicon  Polysilicon prices had stabilized on a high level this week, with overall quotations on mono polysilicon sitting at roughly RMB 236/kg. With the imminent arrival of the Chinese New Year holiday, there were fewer new orders due to affected logistics and transportation, while the continuously improving domestic and overseas end demand is providing a support for the operating rate of wafers at a high level, which is followed by constantly increasing purchase demand. As of now, February orders have all been signed, and polysilicon prices may remain obstinately high after the holiday. ...  more

PV Industry Price Trend: Revitalized Demand Supports Inflation for Modules and Various Upstream Segments

published: 2022-01-20 16:13
Polysilicon Polysilicon quotations continued to rise this week, with the overall quotation of mono polysilicon elevating to roughly RMB 236/kg. The slightly improved domestic end market, coupled with the stocking demand for Chinese New Year, have enhanced the demand from various downstream segments, where the wafer end is maintaining a higher level of operating rate while constantly climbing in demand for polysilicon procurement. ...  more

PV Industry Price Trend: Polysilicon Production Increases from Further Subsidence in Price Reduction and Positive Prospect from End Sector

published: 2022-01-06 16:46
The reduction of polysilicon prices had further subsided this week, with quotation on overall mono polysilicon dropping to roughly RMB 228/kg. An apparent bargaining sentiment is seen between the upstream and downstream sectors, where the supply and inventory of polysilicon will somewhat increase under the gradual release of expanded capacity and the approaching Chinese New Year, and wafer businesses are now holding onto a stronger wait-and-see attitude from an anticipation towards a further reduction in polysilicon prices. ...  more