Price Trend

Constrained Wafer Supply Marginally Mitigated amidst Sluggish Market Transactions

published: 2023-03-30 14:45
Polysilicon Polysilicon prices continued to drop slowly this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense materials were concluded at a respective mainstream price of RMB 210/kg and RMB 205/kg. This week saw fewer polysilicon transactions, where only a segment of businesses had signed for their April orders, and wafer businesses, who are sitting on sufficient polysilicon to maintain recent production, are attempting to delay their procurement demand as polysilicon prices continue to fall. ...  more

Rebounded Industry Chain Prices Need to be Aware of Market Demand After Chinese New Year

published: 2023-01-19 10:53
Polysilicon Polysilicon quotations had slightly rebounded this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense materials were concluded at a respective mainstream price of RMB 170/kg and RMB 165/kg. As Chinese New Year approaches, most holidays have successively initiated their holiday, where the previously low wafer inventory and insignificant operating rate had led to increase in stocking demand prior to the holiday. ...  more