North America green energy

Two SunPower Solar Systems under Construction for Yolo County

published 2013 年 04 月 16 日 14:41
SunPower Corp.(NASDAQ: SPWR) announced that construction is underway on two solar power projects for Yolo County in Calif. The projects are expected to generate 5.8 megawatts of emission-free solar power for county facilities, wor...  more

Georgetown University Goes Solar with SolarCity

published 2013 年 04 月 15 日 14:35
Georgetown University is going solar with SolarCity(Nasdaq: SCTY) on a project that is expected to cut the school’s energy bills by tens of thousands of dollars and reduce more than 600,000 pounds of carbon pollution over its life...  more

Car Fuel of the Future: US Dominating Cellulosic Ethanol Market

published 2013 年 04 月 10 日 13:57
Ethanol is the most widely acclaimed alternative or additive for gasoline used for running vehicles, and the US ranked as number one producer of this biofuel using natural waste feedstock, states new analysis by research and consu...  more

Tesla Unveils Revolutionary New Finance Product

published 2013 年 04 月 09 日 14:36
Tesla Motors has announced that, in partnership with Wells Fargo and US Bank, it has created a revolutionary automotive financing product that provides the best elements of ownership and leasing to Model S customers. Most people t...  more