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China Releases First PV Poverty Alleviation Project List, Totals 5.16GW

published: 2016-10-28 18:17

China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) released the first list of PV poverty alleviation projects, amounting to 5.16GW. This list included 2.18GW village-level power stations and residential PV projects, and 2.98GW of centralized (large-scale) PV projects. The deadline of grid connection was not announced yet.

Based on NEA's document issued on Oct. 17, the following provinces are planned to execute the PV poverty alleviation projects which totals 5.16GW: Hebei, Henan, Anhui, Shanxi, Shandong, Hubei, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Gansu, Jilin, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hunan, and Liaoning.

NEA requested the above provinces' development and reform commission energy administration and other related departments to decide regulations governing income distribution of the PV poverty alleviation projects. Meanwhile, these departments should enforce the regulations for managing the income distribution. In addition, NEA asked related financial institutions to begin to plan for loan criteria as soon as possible, in order to help efficiently implement the PV poverty alleviation policy.

Power grid construction is also included in the policy. The development and reform commission, energy administration of above provinces shall form power grid firms for future grid connections of village-level PV poverty alleviation stations. Moreover, as a first priority, these departments should include related power grid construction and re-modification plans, into rural grid re-modification and upgrading plans.

The policy announced didn't specify the deadline to connect first group PV poverty alleviation stations to the grid. Prior to this policy, NEA announced 2016’s PV installation target as 18.1 GW. If we add the PV poverty alleviation construction goal to that, then the total installation goal will reach 23.26GW. Besides, this figure doesn’t include distributed PV generation projects. 

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