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Leascend signed important contracts with Guosheng Shi'an

published: 2024-03-21 16:19

On March 19, Leascend announced that its subsidiary Meishan Leascend Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. and the holding subsidiaries of Guosheng Shian Technology Co., Ltd. signed important contracts.

According to the contract, Meishan Photovoltaic will purchase 145 million mono wafers from Anhui Guosheng and sell 700MW of Class A G12 heterojunction cell products to Jiangsu Guosheng.

Leascend stated that within the validity period of the contract, the actual order quantity will be determined based on the purchase quantity of both parties' orders. It is expected that the signing amount of this purchase and sales agreement will exceed 100% of the company's audited main business income in 2022, and the absolute amount will exceed 200 million yuan.

At present, the company is making every effort to promote the construction of the planned production capacity of the heterojunction cell project, and continues to improve the production capacity of the existing heterojunction cell production line. The signing of this procurement contract will help ensure the company's stable supply of silicon wafers and is conducive to cooperation with the supply chain. Establish long-term strategic cooperative relationships with business partners..

Leascend began the construction of HJT cell projects in December 2022. After development in 2023, it has two major HJT cell projects, located in Danling, Meishan City, Sichuan Province. County (designed capacity 8GW), Nantong High-tech Zone, Jiangsu Province (designed capacity 12GW) .

On August 22, 2023, the first cell of Meishan Danling Base was produced. As of the end of 2023, Meishan Danling Base has a standard production capacity of 3.8GW. At the same time, in order to further enhance production capacity, and increase market share, Leascend is building a 12GW high-efficiency heterojunction cell phase 3GW project in Nantong, Jiangsu.

With the commissioning and ramp-up of mass production at Danling Base in Meishan, Leascend products have successively received orders for heterojunction cells.

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