green energy

Seawater Unleashed as the Ultimate Green Hydrogen Elixir: US Scientists Forge Revolutionary “Seawater Electrolyzer”

published 2023 年 06 月 27 日 9:30
In a significant breakthrough, American scientists have pioneered a revolutionary “seawater electrolyzer” that eliminates the need for freshwater in green hydrogen production. Seawater, abundant and rich in hydrogen, oxygen, and sodium, has long been regarded as a potential fuel source. However, extracting hydrogen from seawater has remained an elusive challenge. ...  more

Researchers Propose Coal as a New Medium for Hydrogen Storage

published 2023 年 06 月 19 日 9:30
In a groundbreaking development, researchers at Penn State University have proposed a novel model of hydrogen storage: coal. The unexpected suggestion comes as scientists have long identified coal as a contributor to climate change, not a clean fuel source. ...  more

Hitachi Yungtay to Activate Green Elevator Factory in February Next Year

published 2023 年 05 月 09 日 9:30
Today marks the first anniversary of Hitachi Yungtay Elevator becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hitachi. Koji Ide, Chairman of Hitachi Yungtay, commented that the subsidiary has laid down a 3-year plan that aims to achieve about 10% of revenue growth from elevators in Taiwan between 2022 and 2024, as well as focus on green elevators, high-speed elevators, as well as the maintenance and repair market of refurbished elevators. ...  more

2020 Energy Taiwan Commenced as Taiwan Become Hot Spot for Global Green Energy Investment

published 2020 年 10 月 15 日 18:30
Energy Taiwan is currently exhibiting at Hall 1 of the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center from today (14th) to 16th, and has concatenated the three major energy of solar, wind, and smart energy storage, with a total of 500 booths. Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen pointed out during the opening ceremony that renewable energy in Taiwan has experienced a surging development during her 4 years of tenure, and that Taiwan has returned to being an essential hot spot for global investment of renewable energy. ...  more

Is the Post-Pandemic Economic Revitalization Plan from the EU “Green” Enough?

published 2020 年 08 月 13 日 10:00
As the leader in aggressive implementation of carbon reduction economy, the EU adheres to the philosophy of greening, even amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic, by drafting a post-pandemic economic revitalization program, and claims to conform to a “green recovery”, which signals that greening will be executed alongside the revitalization program. ...  more